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The document titled "Re-Everything" was created and last edited by John Guerra, with settings to publish but not feature or index it. It includes no additional content or references.
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Last edited time
Aug 14, 2024 02:42 PM
⇝ a John Guerra
⇝ Re-Things
⇝ Travel
Fallback Cover
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❔ ______ | Wiki (_template) *old wiki link?
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That’s It. Thanks for reading.

Message from the editor,
John Guerra
John Guerra
Just because something is empty does not mean it is useless.
This article is a live draft and is not complete.
I think, research, draft, and edit my content in public. 
This is just how I work. It is my process 🐈‍⬛
This article is a live draft and is not complete. I think, research, draft, and edit my content in public. This is just how I work. It is my process 🐈‍⬛



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Written by

John Guerra
John Guerra

I am a hyper-thinker with undiagnosed ADHD and, possibly, some other superpowers. My mental divergence is a gift and a curse. Writing seems to be the only way to harness it — the only way out. Here I am.